Armadillo Integration Services

この度Spore Labは、Armadillo (アルマジロ) 製品シリーズを提供するアットマークテクノ社より、Armadilloインテグレーションパートナーに認定されました。


Spore Labでは、Armadilloベースの製品開発に当たり、組み込みシステムの開発サポートを提供します。あらゆるレベルのデバイス関連ソフトウェアに関し豊富な実績があるほか、英語と日本語の両方を駆使したコミュニケーションが可能な当社は、海外市場向けにArmadilloベースの製品展開をお考えの会社にとっては、最高のパートナーとなるでしょう。


We're pleased to announce that Spore Lab is now an official Atmark Techno integration partner for their Armadillo product range.

Armadillo are a series of embedded boards that form a platform for creating embedded device products. Together with the low-power ARM processor CPU boards, Atmark Techno offers Linux, device drivers, development environments, expansion boards and related services.

Spore Lab can provide the embedded system development support needed when creating products based on the Armadillo. We have in-depth technical experience with all levels of device related software. In addition to technical expertise, with our English and Japanese communication capabilities Spore Lab will also be the perfect partner for those looking to utilise Armadillo in overseas markets.

See Armadillo Integration for more information on the services we can provide, and more information on the Armadillo platform is available from Atmark Techno.